Protect Your Heart Community Hub

As part of our continued efforts with Aplos Health PCN to improve patient wellbeing and reduce the risk of heart disease, selected patients have been invited to join our face to face heart health check up.

If you are registered at one of our four practices, and have received a text message or letter inviting you to attend the community hub, please select the below booking option to confirm your available dates and times.

Our Care Coordinator team will then book your appointment for you and contact you to confirm.

Practices within Aplos Health Primary Care Network

Sydenham Green Group Practice

Wells Park Practice

The Vale Medical Centre

Woolstone Medical Centre

About the Protect Your Heart Community Hub

The hub is hosted at our Sydenham Green Group Practice every Tuesday morning between 10am and 2pm.

Your appointment will be with a specialist GP or Pharmacist and last for approximately half an hour. Your appointment will include:

  • Checking your blood pressure and heart rate
  • Talking through your blood test results
  • Reviewing your cholesterol medication through a discussion of options with you
  • A brief discussion about your lifestyle and wellbeing
  • An opportunity to ask any questions (it might be helpful to make a note of these beforehand and bring them with you).

If you have been invited for an appointment, this means that our records show you are due a review of your medication to make sure that your treatment is the best it can be.

If you have not had a blood test to measure your cholesterol in the last 12 months then we may need to arrange this 2 to 4 weeks before you come for your appointment, so we have up to date information to share with you.

Following this appointment there will also be the opportunity to join a patient to patient group that discusses wellbeing and heart health if this interests you.

For further information please see:

Members area